Welcome to Copenhagen

When I decided to found my first Guide Tour Service in 2019 it was mainly as a hobby.

As a Copenhagen native, lived my full life here, I had for years guided friends and family for walks to different parts of Copenhagen.

Here I informed them historical facts and about the great transformation the city has undergone over the last 30 years, from an industrial city to the green, clean and enviromentally friendly capital you see today.

Added to this, I also told personal ancdotes from my whole life lived in and together with Copenhagen, from I was born in the Latin-quarter in the old city in 1961 and through my living in different parts of the city ever since then.

I realized that topping the tours with personal inputs and informing of everyday-life, I made the tours unique to the participants, as an extra experience added to history and facts during the walkings.

Since 2019 I have worked with different Guide Agencies and realize that the mix of main attractions, discovering personal hidden gems and my personal anecdotes make the tours unique and oftenly one of the highlights of the guests stay in Copenhagen.

Based on broad and deep knowledge of the city, to give visitors a tour that both gives them insight into Copenhagens over 1000 years of history, everyday life and my personal experiences in and together with the city over more than 60 years, I decided to found True Local Tours to give guests in Copenhagen a unique experience discovering this amazing city of mine together with a True Local Copenhagen Native private guide.

Chosing True Local Tours you’ll have an ”insider” guide with a great love of Copenhagen and with our motto:

 ”We do not claim we are experts in everything, but in Copenhagen we certainly are.”

We will give you an experience to remember and make it one of your highlights of your trip to Copenhagen.

Hoping to see you.


Jeff Priis

Founder of True Local Tours.


"Follow me through history and down Memory lane"

"As a Dane and a native of Copenhagen, lived and worked all life in different parts of the city, I cannot only show you main attractions and tell the history of Copenhagen, but also add personal anecdotes, show you hidden gems and         make the tour a highlight of your trip,"

Jeff Priis founder and owner of True Local Tours and a Copenhagen native